Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
FIRST LISTEN: NKOTB and Ne-Yo Team Up on a New Song
New Kids on the Block and R&B star and producer Ne-Yo have recorded a new song together – and has the first listen of the track. The song, titled "Single," will be available on iTunes Aug. 12, and also appears on NKOTB's upcoming album The Block, due out Sept. 2. Listen to the Song Here:
Click here for the chance to listen to "Single"
It's not the first time the boy band has teamed up with another artist for their upcoming CD. They recorded "Full Service" with New Edition, and collaborated with the Pussycat Dolls on "Grown Man."
Mrs Callahan...Joey Mac Live
OMG Donnie is SO in my Jordan Sandwich now!
Little Click - Summertime
Donnie's Butt! Woot!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
danny's soft side showing through! exclusive reunion interview..
Friday, July 25, 2008
Article from Vancouver Courier - July 18/08...We love Jon & Danny too :)
Vancouver Courier
Published: Friday, July 18, 2008
An open letter to Jonathan Knight and Danny Wood of New Kids on the Block
Dear Jonathan and Danny,
We saw your new video yesterday. Congratulations. "Summertime" is the perfect vehicle to mount your band's long awaited comeback. It's breezy and happy and features lots of women in bikinis bumping and grinding with your band mates at what looks like a pretty happening beach party outfitted by Club Monaco. That store sure makes breezy clothes great for those times when women in bikinis rub up against you. The thing is, we hardly saw either of you in the video. We were stoked when the video starts and Donnie receives a text message saying "It's on," and then he hops in a helicopter. Then Joey gets the same text message while standing shirtless on his yacht. At least we think it's his yacht. Wait a second, of course it is! But Danny, when you get the message, you're shown running through the woods... exercising. We realize it's meant to imply that you are one fit dude with toned biceps and that it takes a lot of work to be a hard-body like yourself, but we thought it was a bit of a snub. Are they trying to say you can't you afford your own yacht or helicopter? We're sure the cross trainers you're wearing are top of the line--you wouldn't settle for anything less--but come on, you deserve better than that.
And Jonathan, we were more than a little dismayed to see Donnie, Joey and Jordan hogging all the singing duties. Jordan's your brother, for goodness sake. Couldn't he have thrown you a bone. Instead, you get to sing the lyric "...and all the good times we had, baby" from the 1:12 mark to the 1:14 mark of the song. That's two seconds, which is somehow shorter than your part in "Step by Step," where you get to sing "Don't you know that the time is right." You were so good in that song. Why couldn't you have sung something like that?
Sadly, Danny, you don't fare much better. Right after Jonathan's anemic bit, you get to sing "It's been a few years, and I can't deny" from 1:15 to 1:16 of the song. One second of singing. You can't buy very many cross trainers if you're getting paid by the word.
But probably the biggest insult is the appalling lack of face time both of you get in the video. While scantily clad women--are there any other kind?--frolic on the sand and press their glistening mounds of flesh against your band mates, both of you are barely even there. Granted, Jonathan, you did go into real estate after New Kids on the Block first broke up and Danny your post-NKOTB music career was nothing to write home about, but you guys are getting treated like second-class citizens in your own band. Nowhere is this more apparent than at the end of the video when you all dress in white and perform your dance routine that's a not-so-subtle nod to your dance routines of the past. Where are you guys? Are you those shadowy figures in the background, because the only faces we're seeing is Joey, Jordan and Donnie. Sure, Jonathan you're known as the shy one and Danny you're the muscular one, but that doesn't mean you're less than the others. You're New Kids on the Block, not New Kids on the Block and A Couple of their Buddies who Nobody Really Likes. Show some respect for yourselves and, most importantly, hang tough.
Kudos and Kvetches.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
last one for tonight!
another interview..
Kiss Concert - Boston - May 2008
2 new blogs!
Whats Good All??
Hope all is well.
Gotta say….
Our album is coming out great!!!
(At least in my humble opinion…….)
On a side note…
While I enjoy any hype for our album….
And while I also (sometimes) enjoy the audacity of people writing blatantly fabricated “news” articles…
We are NOT recording with Michael Jackson and/or Madonna.
We never claimed to be either.
Good fun reading about though!
Sorry to let ya down…. Or not.
Can’t wait til you all hear who we did do some collabo’s with!!!!
GET READY….. WE’RE COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much Love-
Donnie W
(hell yes, heard loud & clear...come to me, baby!!! LOL)
(not sure how to get the pic up??!?)
A little somethin’ somethin’ from rehearsals. Things are slowly
speeding up ( I think that’s an oxymoron).
Excited about meeting the fans who are flying in to see a sneak peek
rehearsal. We think it’ll be good for us. Make us stay on point
I think we are gonna have a lot of laughs!!
I’m sure the rest of the guys will fill you in on all the shananigans.
Gotta get back to practice!
NK on E! (May 5, 2008)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
donnie & dannie interview with
„The people do not ask nevertheless also different group for their names!” New Kids on the block in the evening sun
14. July 2008 you were the mother of all Boybands, which bestbezahlten entertainers of the world, her have eighty million plates drawn up. Now they are around the forty: Fourteen years after the separation is those new Kids on the block back. In the interview Donnie and Danny explain, why.
In order to be honest, when I heard that there is a comeback that new Kids on the block, thought I, sound tragically.
Donnie Wahlberg: Why?
Well, you are any more new one, you are no more Kids….
Beach Boys are also no more Boys.
After fourteen years: What drives adults of men to demonstrate again too choreographies rehearsed fifth next to each other?
For me personally was it like that I had new Kids a mad career after the dissolution that. And for a few different one of the boys is valid also. I worked with some the best producers and actors of the world, I am a respected actor, I would not like to work, as if I indicate, but around your question to answer… why we again together are? I found a plate, with which we fell in love. I found the music, I liked her, I wanted her to sing….
How do you find to music?
I turned straight with Robert de Niro and Al Pacino in New York, and I had visited our old music attorney, so only, in order to say hello. And it gave me a CD, a demo Tape of a Canadian Singer Songwriter, and it announced, hör's you times, I hab's even not yet belonged. And it affected me immediately. Such a beautiful song.
The single „summer time “?
No, the song is called „Click Click Click “.
So far one was allowed to hear only the single.
I played the song Jordan, and he agreed to go through if I became the admission financiers. And Joe and Danny and John agreed also. And then it made for so much fun that we took up thereafter still another song. And then I decided that I a whole album before financiers, and we to have then a half year worked to. We alone. I organized and financed Fotoshootings, the flights, everything. It was a large risk.
Did you think briefly to change your names?
No. We are, who we are. We are not new, and we are not Kids, but which soll's? Green Day are not green also. That is only one name. And it is a name, which people recognize. And I do not want to criticize you, but the people ask nevertheless also different group not for their names. The people ask us whether we through-brought our whole money that we do not make again music… however why ask that anybody Rolling Stones? The people do not ask adults of group for it….
Rolling Stones play instruments. Rolling Stones do not dance rehearsed choreographies.
They play instruments? And which has with something to do? I wrote Nummer-1-Platten, I have Nummer-1-Platten produced….
Danny Wood: From where do you want to know that we do not play instruments?
, You do not play notion?
Yes, I play guitar.
As said, so far is only the first single well-known, and since you do not play an instrument.
Wahlberg: I do not understand, what to it be so important should to play an instrument. Frank Sinatra did not play an instrument, and it is one of the largest singer legends of all times. That I do not want to compare us with Frank Sinatra… I am even an instrument. I am an entertainer. I write song, I produce song, I hits wrote, I produced hits, sing I hits….
Did you have new Kids on the block after the dissolution that never the desire to make somewhat completely different one? To perhaps still study? They were so young, when your group dissolved, you were all beginning, center twenty.
Wood: Yes, but we made nevertheless completely different things. I have four children. A girl, I adopted one of them, in Russia. Them were eleven months old and eleven Pound weighed. I mean, the life consist nevertheless of more than music or that new Kids.
I ask, because I want to really understand it: Doesn't it feel like a step back to continue where you stopped before fourteen years?
That became it, if we would make it for the wrong reasons. So it is a step forward. If you hear the whole album, you will understand that.
Thus this mark goes around the music.
Absolutely. Otherwise we would not make it. It is like in former times, but with a much higher musical quality.
So far I know only the video to the first single. And there, you excuse, are nevertheless everything completely exactly like in former times. There they dance with naked torsos at the beach, it are pretty girls, you are brown, muskulös… and the music, now.
Wahlberg: Actually another song should have become the first single, a song, in which I process the failure of my marriage. But it did not seem correct for the group to acknowledge thereby. There it concerns my personal life, not around the group as a whole. „Summer time “was stop a good song for the summer, in order to be honest. One will only see with the next two Singles, where we stand today.
That will be interesting, because you were as it were the prototype for all the Boybands, which came to you, Take That, N Sync, Backstreet Boys… now could you the prototype for into the years Boybands come become. Does one say Menband?
Wahlberg: I can say the following: One never knows, how it goes correctly. One can only try to give its best. There are many people, which see the video of „summer time “and to say, okay, those are honestly. And others see it saying and, those make still the same Pop. And if we had made a darker album, it would have given people, which would have found the dumb. We can make it quite for not all. I would have uncoupled lunatically gladly another single than first.
I meant something else. They are now actually the opposite of what one introduces oneself under a Boyband. They are married or divorced, have children. Is expected by Boybands that they work, as if would be free it. They should be projection surfaces. One said certainly nevertheless in former times, you to you should your private life secret keep.
No, one does not have. See, in America gave it only Backstreet Boys and N Sync, here in Europe gave it much more Boybands. Therefore one thinks here, there would not be a formula, a blueprint that one would say to those, like her to give oneself would have… with us was that like that. Nobody said us at that time, how we have to be, because nobody knew, what one should have said us. Do they understand?
Wood: For us there was no blueprint, we was the blueprint. In each regard. The record company did not react to our success, it had a plan.
And which for a success: eighty million sold plates!
Wahlberg: That was rather coincidence. The marketing plan of the record company was wrong. The record company wanted us over the urban-radio stations marked out. Their plan was that we were white boys, who sounded like black boys - we should all fools, and which would like black public us, before it would find out that we would be white. The functioned not. The plan went inclined. And then a Popradiostation played us, and the reaction was upsetting. And in such a way the record company that it had to change the course, noticed it marketed us then as Pop, and all fell themselves like the vultures on us. Later Boybands was formed after us. There it was called, lets it us exactly the same make, we needs a cool one, a shy one, a good one, a strong one and so on. I should be probably with us the strong one. But I was simply only, who I was.
1990 was you the bestbezahlten entertainers of the world, you was times unbelievably famous. Which is more difficult to bear: If constantly fans besiege the house, or if no more fans besiege the house?
All part of the life, it is belonged to. Some people drink much, if they are young, make much party. If they stop thereby, is missing to them somewhat. One can ask oneself: what better, is a life with parties or one without? Keins of both is the correct answer. In the life it concerns other things.
But it must be nevertheless difficult to come down from the summit of the fame again. You played their last route 1994 in much smaller resounding than before. Everything totally all the same?
That will differently answer from that group to everyone. With me was it like that: I accepted. Clearly there are moments, there feels one as in a roller coaster. One evenly still was in the highest high, and then it goes down, and the wave of the energy is away, and you are suddenly alone and think, and now? Then one must remember that it did not concern fame. One must find then something else, with which one can go itself a roller coaster ride. Whether now as a plumber is, as a father, to find as actors… something new which binds one again in such a way, that is the challenge.
If you make photos now again as group, pose, dance - doesn't feel like a terrible Déjà vu?
Sometimes. But we stand there over it.
Did you have to adapt your dance style to your age, so that it does not work in a silly way? Or will you again exactly the same dance on the stage like in former times?
We are today better.
In dancing?
We are better. We are all in super form. None became fat.
They are today in better form than with beginning twenty?
Wood: I.
Wahlberg: Look at its muscles!
Wood: I am before three years the Miami marathon coagulated, I am a marathon as I still with that new Kids was run never. I am today better in form. We know today very exactly, what we do, in addition, know, how this juvenile energy is to be controlled. We are today all ripe.
Do you have to smoke all stopped, drinking like the remainder of the world?
Wood: I drank never much.
Thus were you never a wild juvenile Boygroup?
Wahlberg: We had our moments, oh. But it is never gotten out of control. We had luck.
Wasn't one of you once arrested, because he set a hotel carpet in fire?
Wahlberg: I. But I set no carpet in fire.
Wood: It squirted with the fire extinguisher. It should become a caper. There I was. There was no fire.
Wahlberg: There so much fire was in the area, as is in this area here straight fires, and one threatened me to put me for twenty years into the prison. It was complete horse muck. That was a sad time.
Was that the only arrest?
Oh, which I know.
Okay, we speak over something else. Is correct, what in the Internet to read actual you becomes with Michael Jackson into the studio to go?
Michael Jackson?
They would have met, it are said it last week.
No. I should it on 4 July in read Vegas to meet, but did not come off, and it would have had also nothing do with our plate. One of our producers works with it, and I made any joke over it on our press conference. It is to be seen merry, be said now like one again everything can or not, and it goes around. I read, we with Madonna would also work.
Yes, and with Timbaland.
Timbaland is correct.
How much do you have to pay to Timbaland, so that it works with you?
Wood: We do not know yet.
Wahlberg: I know it, but I do not say it to you.
What has to happen, so that you rate the comeback as success?
Wood: That already happened.
Wahlberg: The US route is already nearly sells off, it is unbelievable. We made a great plate, found we a record company, which wanted this plate. All further one is a gift. Let me the still following say, simply because of the direction, into which this interview went: The prices for our concert maps are as low as possible. We do not want to use anybody, we want at nobody to enrich itself. One often used us. We were successful, we much money made, as had hits, but - one acted often not in our interest. We want to now make that differently: We want to make something, which is exactly the same in our interest as in that of the public. So. Thank you.
Interview Johanna Adorján
The single „summer time “is published in August with universal, the album then in September.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
for old times' sake!! The Right Combination!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Statistical Info -- I still think 400,000 hits in one week is good...
NKOTB a litmus test for whether aging fans use YouTube or not
The cycle of music has found its way back to its 80s roots with the "comeback" of Aquanet-era boy band New Kids on the Block. Gone, however, are the days of cassette mixes and recording songs off the radio; thrust into the world of YouTube and Muxtape, the 'Kids are trying to catch up with the band's new oh-so-relevant website, complete with soon-to-be-launched "NKTV" and mobile ringtones. With the recently released song, "Summertime" flooding Yahoo Video and YouTube, how are our former tween heartthrobs faring online?
Since "Summertime" became the "Featured Artist" on Yahoo, the music video has managed to wrangle the curiosity of older fans with about 14,000 views. The YouTube numbers fare much better, pulling in about 400,000 views after a week online.

But compared with current Tiger Beat poster boys The Jonas Brothers — who have their own YouTube channel, natch — the oldsters are being dusted by Internet savvy 12 year olds who don't even know what NKOTB stands for. "When You Look Me in the Eyes" by The Jonas Brothers was released in January 2008 and has reached 17.7 million views since its release; that's an average of 840,000 views per week, about twice what NKOTB has seen since releasing their new song.
With the death of print being foretold by teenagers, the online generation gap is widening. With YouTube's views down, it might make sense for the site to reach out to older viewers in order to expand even further. If the generation that fell in love with Jordan's heavenly falsetto doesn't step in soon, we're all doomed to an existence with ZipIt's Fred and his annoying legion of fans.
NKOTB @ MVA in Los Angeles????
Here's an old article found...that suggests the same...
MTV VMA's Head Back To Los Angeles
By Kelly West: 2008-06-23 21:46:10
MTV is bringing the VMA’s back to Los Angeles this year and what’s more, fans will have a say in who gets nominated. Last year’s Video Music Awards took place in Las Vegas and in previous years it’s been in New York and Miami. Not since 1998 has the awards show taken place in Los Angeles.
According to MTV’s website, the show will take place at Paramount Pictures Studios, using soundstages, rooftops and city streets. Of the location, MTV Networks Music Group president Van Toffler said, “With Paramount Pictures as the ideal setting, the glamour and musical heritage of L.A. are sure to be catalysts for creating explosive pop-culture moments that the VMAs are known for.”
The 25th annual VMA’s will air live on MTV at 9:00 p.m. on September 7th. Few details about the actual ceremony have been revealed yet but they should be announced over the coming weeks. Meanwhile, it looks like MTV will be allowing fans to pick the nominees (or at least, some of them). It says on MTV’s site, “This year's event will mark a first in VMA lore: The channel will be turning to its audience, asking them to executive-produce the big show. MTV will give fans a chance to decide this year's nominees, helping to create an awards show with the music they love (details on this will be coming soon!).” I’ll be honest here: I’m so out of touch with “today’s music” (unless you count American Idol) that the fans deciding the nominations will probably have little effect on the VMA’s for me as a viewer. As for “explosive pop-culture moments,” I’m wondering if they’re going for the good kind of explosive or the bad. For example, I’m thinking a live performance by NKOTB (I heard they’re back together) could fall under either category, right? So far there are no clues as to who is set to perform though. Guess we’ll have to wait and see what MTV announces in the coming weeks.
Friday, July 18, 2008
MuchMusic Countdown For the week beginning: Jul 17, 2008
2. Simple Plan - Your Love Is A Lie
3. Girlicious - Like Me
4. Metro Station - Shake It
5. Sam Roberts - Them Kids
6. Coldplay - Violet Hill
7. New Kids On The Block - Summertime
8. Kardinal Offishall - Dangerous f. Akon
9. Jesse McCartney - Leavin’
10. Maroon 5 - If I Never See Your Face Again f. Rihanna
11. Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
12. Pussycat Dolls - When I Grow Up
13. Theory Of A Deadman - So Happy
14. Madonna - Give IT 2 Me
15. Flo Rida - In The Ayer f.
16. Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
17. Protest The Hero - Sequoia Throne
18. Cancer Bats - Hail Destroyer
19. Mariah Carey - Bye Bye
20. Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl
21. The Trews - Paranoid Freak
22. Bedouin Soundclash - 12:59 Lullaby
23. Jonas Brothers - Burnin' Up
24. Usher - Moving Mountains
25. Jordin Sparks - One Step At A Time
26. Kreesha Turner - Don't Call Me Baby
27. Miley Cyrus - 7 Things
28. Usher - Love In This Club f. Young Jeezy
29. Rihanna - Take A Bow
30. Black Lungs - Hold Fast (Sink or Swim)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
What are your thoughts on the new album cover???
As you may well know, you are able to pre-order the new release through And I noticed today that there is an actual album cover now...with the album title of "The Block"...what are your thoughts of it???
I am not too crazy about the "red and black" feel...and even though I LOVE my Jonathan...why a moustache???
New Blog From Danny (The Puff McCloud himself)

July 17th, 2008
Danny and Germany!
Hi everyone,
We are back from Germany and it was amazing. Through out this experience I never know what to expect. The German fans are more than ready for THE BLOCK just like everyone here and in Canada. The support was unbelievable and it was awesome. Every where we went people where there to support us. We are looking forward to the European tour next year.
I want to rundown our week for you so maybe you will get an idea of what it was like.
We arrived Monday July 7th to Germany. We took the day to recuperate from jet lag, see the movie set, and have a fitting for our crazy medieval outfits.
Tuesday we filmed, as ourselves in medieval times, with the amazing German director/actor Til Schweiger. It was a fun day aside from the black soot we all inhaled during the filming. After we finished we where blowing out black boogers. There where flames being blown thru the air through out our performance. It was a pleasure working with Til and we look forward to the release of the movie in December.
Wednesday was the big international press conference. It was amazing to see over 200 European journalists in the room. I always feel like we are just those 5 guys from Boston and how did we end up here. It was a very humbling experience. The rest of the day was spent doing tons of European press and we didn’t finish until nighttime.
Thursday and Friday NKOTB was split into 2 groups so we could cover more ground. We went to Frankfurt, Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, Kiel, Hannover, Magdeburg and then all got back together in Berlin. We visited radio stations, TV stations, did print interviews and Internet outlets. It was great and felt really good to be so productive.
I need to personally thank Sven Kilthau-Lander, Jurgen Grebner, and the whole Universal Records staff for the amazing job they did in Germany. We are looking forward to all our future endeavors in Europe.
We are back in L.A. for tour rehearsals. September 18th is coming soon and we are so excited.
Love Danny
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Hey Joey!
“Alle funf!!!!”
Means “all 5″ in German.
That’s all I can say in German so far.
We had a blast… a lot of work but having our fans show up
everywhere we go made it a lot easier.
The schnitzel was on point. And we couldn’t believe how tall
everyone was- men and women. Damn! I felt like Ryan Seacrest over there.
So its back to rehearsal and putting together the greatest show on earth
by the “5 hardest working kids in show business”.
Let’s get this!
Note To Joey: Its not just in Germany where they are tall - just you wait until Vicki, Heidi and Shauna meet up with you on the 18th! Ba ha ha ha! ;)
Tour Itinerary 2008 - updated
18-19 - Toronto, Ontario - Air Canada Centre (Im there!)
20 - Montreal, Quebec - Bell Centre
21 - Toronto, Ontario - Air Canada Center
23 - East Rutherford, NJ - Izod Center
24 - Uniondale, NY - Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
26 - Boston, MA - TD Banknorth Garden
27 - Atlantic City, NJ - Borgata Hotel & Casino Event Center
28 - Boston, MA - TD Banknorth Garden
30 - Uncasville, CT - Mohegan Sun Arena
October 2008
2 - Washington, DC - Verizon Center
3 - Cleveland, OH - Quicken Loans Arena
4 - Rosemont, IL - Allstate Arena
8 - Los Angeles, CA - Staples Center
9 - Sacramento, CA - ARCO Arena
10 - San Jose, CA - HP Pavilion
11 - Las Vegas, NV - Mandalay Bay
13 - Glendale, AZ - Arena
14 - Albuquerque, NM - Tingley Arena
16 - Houston, TX - Toyota Center
17 - San Antonio, TX - AT&T Center
18 - New Orleans, LA - New Orleans Arena
19 - Dallas, TX - American Airlines Center
21 - Saint Paul, MN - Xcel Energy Center
22 - Milwaukee, WI - Bradley Center
24 - Rosemont, IL - Allstate Arena
25 - Auburn Hills, MI - Palace of Auburn Hills
27 - New York, NY - Madison Square Garden
29 - Atlanta, GA - The Arena at Gwinnett Center
30 - Charlotte, NC - Time Warner Cable Arena
November 2008
1 - Sunrise, FL - BankAtlantic Center
2 - Tampa, FL - St. Pete Times Forum
5 - Philadelphia, PA - Wachovia Spectrum
6 - Providence, RI - Dunkin' Donuts Center
7 - Atlantic City, NJ - Borgata Hotel & Casino Event Center
8 - Uncasville, CT - Mohegan Sun Arena
10 - St. Louis, MO - Scottrade Center
11 - Kansas City, MO - Sprint Center
12 - Omaha, NE - Qwest Center
14 - Broomfield, CO - Broomfield Event Center
15 - West Valley City, UT - The E Center
18 - Edmonton, Alberta - Rexall Place (Im There)
19 - Calgary, Alberta - Pengrowth Saddledome (Im There)
21 - Vancouver, British Columbia - General Motors Place (Im There)
22 - Seattle, WA - Tacoma Dome
23 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena
25 - San Diego, CA - Cox Arena
26 - Los Angeles, CA - Staples Center
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Besides, "Click Click Click" here are the titles of some of their new songs that they played at the press conference this morning: "Two in The Morning" "Single" and "Dirty Dancing" (I think this song will also be featured in the Til Schweiger movie).
So, here is the unoffical track list (so far) of the upcoming album:
"Click Click Click"
"You Got My Heart"
"Full Service" (feat. New Edition)
"Looking Like Danger"
"Big Boy/Big Girl" (featuring Lady GaGa)
"Sexify My Love"
"Two in The Morning"
"Dirty Dancing"
"Close to you" (Not sure this is the exact title)
"I'll Stay" (Not sure this is the exact title)
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
This could be HEAVEN!!!!
Not content with having Michael
The band - who had hits in the late 80s with Hangin' Tough and You Got It (The Right Stuff) - are all set to work with Timbaland next week and hope the superproducer will pull some strings to get the Queen of Pop on board for their album, out in September.
NKOTB's Joey McIntyre revealed: "It's so exciting.
We loved what Timbaland did with Madonna's 4 Minutes and can't wait to see what he has in store for us."
Jordan Knight added: "I know he's putting in a good word for us to have Madonna on the album. It's looking good.Fingers crossed!"
Fallen pop star Michael Jackson is reportedly set to get his beleaguered career back on track by linking up with boyband New Kids On The Block.
The Billie Jean hitmaker held a series of top secret talks about the collaboration with the band's stars at his home in Nevada last week.
New Kids singer Donny Wahlberg revealed, "It's very exciting. It's one big party and everyone wants to join us."
New Kids, who have sold 80 million records with hits including Hanging Tough and Right Stuff, are just some of the artists collaborating with the former king of pop as he attempts to revive his career following his acquittal three years ago of child abuse charges.
The 49-year-old was due to release his much anticipated album this year to coincide with his 50th birthday.
But a source said, "He has been in the studio for months. He wants to create an amazing album and won't release anything until he is totally satisfied.
"He's a musical genius and record bosses want to leave him to develop his magic. It will be down to him when it is released."
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Access Hollywood - Summertime Video...
Donnie's Latest Blog...
Hey All-
Here in Germany!
Fans are awesome!
Weather is cold!
Album almost done!
Tour approaching fast!
Second “SINGLE” not far away!!
(But keep pushing Summertime at your favorite stations til then).
We shot a cameo in a movie by Til Scweiger, who is a huge star here, and it was really funny!
I hope you get to see it someday. Til is the biggest and best of Germany and he is a hell of a nice guy to do this with us!
Oh yeah- if you doubt my word…
Ask the fans here in Germany! They can’t get rid of me! In fact, they can’t get rid of any of us!!!
Good times!
Much Love,
=donnie w

Article from the UK - July 9/08
And if that’s not unbelievable enough they have kept the name — though JORDAN, JOEY, DONNIE, DANNY and JON are not kids anymore
The old men yesterday announced they will kick off the European leg of their comeback world tour in London next January.
They are working on an as yet untitled album but it’s a way off being finished. Fingers crossed.
After hearing recordings of some of their new material I’m not convinced they’ve got The Right Stuff.
Two In The Morning is slushy R&B. Click Click Click is catchy and I reckon the guys have missed a trick by not making it the first single.
Instead they’ve chosen Summertime which has a safe, er, summery vibe.
They’re releasing the track in September.
Last time I looked, that was autumn.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
New Kids & New Edition Record Together!
Just when you thought the New Kids on the Block reunion couldn't get any sweeter, word comes that the guys are recording a song with another favorite boy band: New Edition.
"Donnie Wahlberg had this idea for a few months, since New Kids had the idea of getting back together really," says producer Nadir "RedOne" Khawat, who worked on the song. "Donnie's been looking for that one track for all of them and I think we found it."
Last week, just days after New Edition took home the Golden Note Award at the 21st annual ASCAP Rhythm & Soul awards in Beverly Hills, the group (minus Bobby Brown) went into an L.A. studio to record with the New Kids. The ensemble track, titled "Full Service," will appear on NKOTB's not-yet-titled upcoming album.
The song was written by Wahlberg, Khawat, and New York disco diva Lady GaGa. "It sounds very universal and melodic and has both sides in it: The R&B, which is New Edition and the pop side for New Kids," says Khawat. "It's very uplifting. Right away you start feeling good and every part feels natural to each one of the guys."
So what was it like being with all of them in the studio? "It went really smoothly," says Khawat, adding that they munched on sushi in the studio and the guys prayed together before recording. "There were no egos or attitudes. It felt like they'd been friends forever."
In a recent chat with PEOPLE, New Edition frontman Tresvant addressed the rumors that the two bands have been feuding for years. "The thing people were going back and forth with was we'd been doing what we were doing for the longest [but] we couldn't get cartoons and things that the white guys were getting. It was like, 'wow,' " he said. "But the guys themselves, we have mad love."